Sunday, September 4, 2011

Where to Invest

Where to Invest

That depends up on you. How much amount you save or invest  and so as how much deposit and invest in different ways. Otherwise you may invest in other schemes or plans of your choice. You have the options like Bank, Post Office, Financial Institutions, Government Bonds, Direct Market derivatives, equities and many more. You may choice Mutual Funds, Bond, Stock market, Insurance sector, Gold funds, real estate or directly in Gold or Land etc. But your need of return determines how much to invest and where or in which sector you invest. Remember in this step you should exercise optimum conscious that you are not bias. You and only you could take better decision in this regard , think and invest where you decide. If you assumes better return and you convinced the sector , then only go for that product. If you have so much time to think or having not sound idea about the facts , it is not wrong to take advise of experts or analysts or may take help of different available online portfolio managers. Like rediff money, google finance etc. but remember before investing a single money you must satisfied. 

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