Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saving Certificate- A Guaranteed earning Source

Saving Certificate- A Guaranteed earning Source

NSC or National Saving Certificate  issued or investment option is from Indian Postal Department. NSC is a beneficiary and attractive  medium of investing your hard worked earnings. You can use NSC for Tax saving purpose. You can earn 8 to 9 % in return  in today’s market trend . time to time it may be chaged according to Governments Fiscal policy. Initially it’s term for six years and now it has been increased  to eight years.  But you make opt this investing option as a  trust worth decision because it provided a guaranteed  return in maturity. Be conscious that before maturity you could not getting any additional benefit of return or interest. 

You may opt for Kishan Vikash Patra Certificate or KVPC for a specific period of time with specific rate of interest. Also post office Cumulative Times Deposit ( CTD) and Recurring Deposit ( RD) , Post office Monthly Income Scheme (MIS), Senior Citizen Saving Scheme and others for safe and secure return investment.

All the post office schemes are open to all and you can invest in your own name or spouse or child for their future need  with very easy and less documentation within the same day. It is best and suitable for low and medium income group people to choose these schemes for investment and growth of their money.

Be ready before that you are directly bought these certificates fro post offices. Always avoid agents or frauds for indirect purchase of these certificates. You have to choose that which plan give you maximum benefit like investment and fulfilling your income tax saving benefit. Your money , you invest , so decision is yours , we are just the way providers for growth of yours money.

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